currently only offers secure online payment through iDeal on our website. Below you will find an extensive explanation about iDeal. We like safe and reliable, don't you?
What is iDEAL?
iDEAL is the most widely used payment method in the Netherlands. At least 60% of Dutch shoppers use it to pay for their online purchases. It is a reliable and easy online payment method that enjoys a great deal of trust. Consumers transfer money from their own account, via the online banking product of their own bank. This guarantees a successful payment that cannot be reversed by the customer. The customer's bank also guarantees the safety of the transaction.
iDEAL is seamlessly integrated with the online banking environments of the 10 largest Dutch consumer banks. Customers of these banks can use the online banking products to make payments. Participating banks are ABN AMRO, ASN Bank, bunq, Handelsbanken, ING, Knab, Rabobank, RegioBank, SNS Bank, Triodos Bank and Van Lanschot Bankiers.
The use of this payment method is also spreading beyond e-commerce applications. Online invoicing software is increasingly including an iDEAL payment link so that payments can be made immediately. Charities are implementing iDEAL to accept donations.
Since its introduction in 2005, more than one billion transactions have been processed through iDEAL and more than 100,000 web shops and other organisations have already implemented it as a payment method.
How does iDEAL work?
Customers pay from the online banking environment of their own bank. The security of the transaction is guaranteed by the customer's bank. In our checkout, customers choose iDEAL and their bank. They are then redirected to their bank's online banking environment and asked to log in. The amount to be transferred and further payment details are already filled in, the customer only has to confirm the payment. When this is done, the bank confirms the payment immediately and the customer is sent back to the webshop. The merchant can process the order immediately, as the payment is guaranteed.
Other payment methods
Besides iDeal it is also possible to pay with: